2010 - 2012 Compare Sprite

Category: Specs Sprite | Author: CaravanParks.com |  Date posted:  | Reach: 508598   43259

Sprite Range

* The Manufacturer reserves the right to change specifications, accessories and prices at any time without notice.
   Weights may vary up to 5% and make provision for the crockery, battery and empty gas and water bottles.

General Files

Sprite Tent Range Chart
Swing, Splash, Surfer 99-06 Pole Diagram

Tent Specifications

Sprite Tent Specifications - Sprint
Sprite Tent Specifications - Swing and Splash

For reference purposes only

Although this Caravan, Trailer or Motorhome is no longer manufactured it can be found on the pre-owned market. The information displayed is for reference purposes only. You can contact your nearest dealer for more info.


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